4 Advantages of a Local T-Shirt Printer

When you are ready to get custom t-shirts, hoodies, or sweatshirts made, there are a lot of screen print companies to choose from. One of the biggest questions is should I purchase from a local company based in Fairhope, Ala. or should I go with an online national company, such as Custom Ink.

Here are 4 advantages of a local t-shirt printer:

  1. Location: As much as we all love the convenience of purchasing online, when it comes to printing on shirts most people are not sure where to begin even with what type of shirt to choose for their project. Do I want a ring spun Comfort Colors, or would I rather have a tri blend Bella Canvas? I want to see and feel the difference between the Comfort Colors and a Gildan Softstyle t-shirt that will help me understand the price difference. With a local screen printer you can go to their shop and see and feel the different types of shirts and different print styles in person.

  2. Shipping: In this day and age of shipping nightmares - when will you ever get your shirts from the national company?? Sure it’s out of their hands, but who wants to keep checking a tracking number to see when your new company sweatshirts are going to arrive. Looking at an online screen printer today, we tested a quote of 100 basic shirts and were given a 3 week lead time.

  3. Support Local - Local companies support local organizations. Look at your local school banners, or the local youth sports organizations, or high school football programs and you will find local businesses that are buying ads, banners, etc. and supporting the local organizations.

  4. Hire local - Your neighborhood screen printer is hiring local which further helps the local economy.


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